Watford Youth Sports
Watford Youth Sports

Parents Code of Conduct

Parents / Guardians have a great influence on childrens enjoyment and success in football. All children play football because they first and foremost love the game - its fun!
It is important to remember that however good a child becomes at football whilst playing for this club , positive encouragement to all players will contribute to;

Children enjoying football.
A sense of personal achievement.
Self esteem.
Improving the childs skills and techniques.

A parents / Guardians expectations and attitudes have a significant bearing on a childs attitude towards ;
Other players

Adults should always aim to ;
Enable players to have a clear understanding of the standard of behaviour expected.
Help players to understand the rules.
Display patience.
Appreciate that adults football and children?s football are not the same.

For the enjoyment of all members , the following code of conduct is expected to be followed by all Parents / Guardians.

Code of conduct for Parents / Guardians

Avoid coaching during training and matches.

Do not constantly shout and scream at players.

Respect all officials decisions , whether qualified or unqualified . New and young officials should be encouraged and supported.

Do not make any comments other than complimentary, towards players, officials and spectators of opposing teams.

Offer plenty of support and encouragement towards all players during matches.

Wherever possible , players who require help should be assisted and encouraged in a positive way

Ensure that all players are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions , and have the correct footwear , shin pads and drinks.

Inform the team Manager / Coach if a child cannot attend training or match days and make every effort to arrive on time.

Respect the decisions and team selection of the team Manager/Coach.
These are the sole responsibility of the Manager / Coach whose decision is final.

Complaints in respect of the running a game must be dealt with by the team Manager / Coach. It is not acceptable for individuals to take matters into their own hands.

Respect all members of the club.

If the behaviour of any adult associated with any team player is considered to fall below the required standard , this may result in the membership of that player being suspended or cancelled , regardless of ability.

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